Over many years, patients have questioned the potency of batches of Thyroid S desiccated thyroid from Sriprasit Pharma in Thailand. But there has never been a place to look up this information.
Please let me know what batches exist and whether they are "good" or "bad" for you.
Once a batch number has been posted here, with a clear good or bad rating, I'll leave it posted. There is no need to continue telling me unless I post some wrong information.
Quotes are simply comments received from users of Thyroid S - anonymised.
The T4 and T3 percentages are the amount compared against the "perfect" target quantities of 38 micrograms of T4 and 9 micrograms of T3. These have been communicated to me indirectly from Sriprasit.
General overview
The 2022 batches generally appear to have been questionable but the 2023 and, hopefully, onwards batches appear back to standard.
Manufactured on 12.09.16, expiry 12.09.19
Manufactured on 06/2019, expiry 06/2022.
Felt to be inconsistent by one member who had not previously had any issues. Tablets look OK (not odd colour).
Manufactured on 15/10/20, expiry 15/10/23.
One person reported two packs had distinctly different colours - greenish vs brownish.
TA21011 2021
A few reports of it being both good and bad.
TA21012 2021
Manufactured 2015, expiry 2018
TA21037 2021
One person needed to increase the dose, another person queried it.
T4 106.3% and T3 100.5%
TA21060 2021
Several reports of it being both fine/possibly weak.
TA21076 2021
Several reports of it being both fine/possibly weak.
TA21079 October 2021
About 10 reports of it being really bad, just a couple of it being the same as usual. Some said the tablets were green, but one person on Facebook posted a photo and hers were brown/beige and she was doing fine on them, as was another person. One person increased dose from 2 to 2.5 and was then fine. Some of those who had green tablets had not bought from the manufacturer but from a private supplier.
T4 102.9% and T3 104.2%
TA21089 2021
No complaints anywhere, fine.
T4 100.4% and T3 102.5%
(Corrected from T4 100.% and T3 103.0%.)
Manufactured on 10.12.21, expiry 10.12.24
TA22006 2022
A couple of complaints of being weak.
TA22012 2022
A few complaints, but three people said it was ok, one of them had felt under treated on a previous unspecified batch but felt better on this one.
One member said "tastes sweet compared to last batch but haven't noticed any other issues".
TA22024 2022
One query about green colour and possibly weak/strong, one person fine on it. A third person was going to report back on this but hasn’t done so therefore I assume it’s OK. Another person said was doing fine on this batch.
Another member has reported this batch was smoother, and slightly different colour. Felt unwell as if no thyroid content - their FT4 and FT3 were lower on this batch.
TA22054 2022
This is the batch currently being sold, there are no reports about it so far.
T4 108.8% and T3 106.2%
"My final verdict on this batch is: it does something, but not everything. But I cannot go higher than 2,25 grains due to overstimulation like side effects, while labs very suboptimal.
I haven't ordered a new batch yet, because it seems they changed the formula since the 22 series."
T4 106.6% and T3 102.0%
A member has suggested that it is OK but a bit strong.
TA22057 2022
T4 101.5% and T3 100.6%
A member not sure if stronger or weaker than TA22024 but feels different to that batch.
A member is quite sure this batch definitely seems weaker than other batches.
T4 104.9% and T3 98.3%
Sold for over 7 weeks.
Manufactured on 25.01.23, expiry 25.01.26
T4 108.3% and T3 102.9%
At least one member happy but thinks it could require a very small reduction in dose.
T4 103.1% and T3 102.5%
Manufactured on 08.06.2023, and its expiry is 08.06.2026.
Two members raised issues with this batch - one suggesting that taking 25 micrograms of levothyroxine every other day helps, the other reporting itching and feeling like lead.
Another member has reported: More green than the 23T01008 batch and much harder to chew.
T4 103.9% and T3 102.0%
No information on this batch.
No information on this batch.
T4 108.2% and T3 101.5%
"This batch seems fine but slightly weaker than I’m used to: had to increase dosage by a quarter of a pill."
One report of someone feeling wrong on this batch. Insomnia, shakiness, nausea.
Manufactured 31/10 23, expiry 31/10 /26
Has been ordered by at least one person. Has a greenish tint.
If you wish to link to this page on HealthUnlocked, copy the entire dark red text below and paste into a post or reply.
[i][b]Thyroid S Batches[/b]
A summary of known and suspected potency of Sriprasit Pharma Thyroid S batches.
Regularly updated so please check the blog directly.
And if you have any more information, or corrections, etc., please let me know. I am entirely dependent on your experiences.
Last updated 11/02/2025[/i]
Link to blog:
If you find anything incorrect, misleading, typos, links that don’t work, etc., please let me know. Go to my profile and use the contact details there.