I have created, and try to maintain, documents containing details of all thyroid hormone medicines in the UK and, in less detail, many others around the world.
There is one for all thyroid hormones licensed in the UK, one for all forms of desiccated thyroid around the world, and another for other other products in the Rest of the World.
These are substantial documents and might be better suited to use on a personal computer or tablet - rather than a phone.
I am reviewing the documents to make them better suited to use on phones or other small screen devices. This means there will be more documents - each one covering less. And they are A5 format (rather than A4) which helps make pages more readable. You might find that turning your device to landscape mode will help further. I've also reformatted to make it easier to see headings as you scroll through or use the Table of Contents of thumbnail view. Precisely what you can do and how depends on the device you use.
Please do fully download the document so that the Table of Contents works, and for searching to be effective.
Recent updates include adding PIP, GTIN and SNOMED codes for UK products (where known). The rest will be added as they are identified.
PIP codes are used by pharmacies to order products.
GTIN is the code on the packaging (often end flap).
So far as I have been able, all products have been linked to documents broadly equivalent to the UK's Patient Information Leaflets (PIL) and Summaries of Product Characteristics (SPC).
In addition, I have added links to the Dictionary of Medicines and Devices (dm+d) - where possible. The dm+d is the only reliable source of current prices by product. The prices in the NHS Drug Tariff, British National Formulary, etc., cause confusion as there can be several products, each with a different price, but they are treated as if one product with a single price.
Mostly these are to either the companies' own websites or government sites - or both. However, sometimes other documents have been used when necessary.
If you have not downloaded them recently, please download them again. They are continually being updated.
helvella - Thyroid Hormone Medicines - UK 🇬🇧
This document has just been massively revised.
- Page size reduced from A4 to A5 to make it more easily readable on small-screen devices such as phones.
- Reduced duplication.
- Formatting enhanced to make document easier to navigate and read on small-screen devices.
- Reduced in size so occupies less storage space.
Due to this I am especially keen to know of issues anyone has viewing this document or its content.
I have now (June 2024) added Appendix F which contains details on how prescriptions should be written when it is required that a particular product is dispensed.
I expect it almost never to be printed. However, if you do wish to print, be aware that the margins are too small for most printers. You might need to use your printer's dialogue to make it fit within the printable area.
UK document contains Summary Matrixes of UK thyroid hormone products.
For up to date information, check the latest version of my thyroid
hormone medicines document. I have recently included ALL excipients in the matrixes of products.
(Nothing like this will be done on the Rest of the World document - too many products, too much overhead creating and maintaining them, for limited benefit.)
Screenshot of UK document shown in Preview under macOS |
To the left, you can see the Table of Contents which can be expanded to show individual products. By clicking on an individual product, you can navigate directly to the required page.
(The Table of Contents will not usually be visible when viewing the PDF in a browser. This is often how the PDF is viewed on a mobile phone. It will not work unless the whole document has been downloaded.)
The left-hand part lists two summary Matrixes - the upper one containing available products. The lower one shows products for which details are known, but which are not currently available. (Temporary shortages are too variable and are not indicated.)
The right-hand page shows the details of the individual products - the company, the maker, relevant links, presence of lactose, notes of relevant or interesting background. Then details of each individual product. Typically dosage, various licence and other identification numbers.
Screenshot of the details of one product. |
There will, where possible, also be links to the official documentation
for most products. Sometimes one document applies to multiple dosages
and will be listed at the end of all products. The Patient Information Leaflets have the lists of ingredients (section 6).
external links are to documents held by the MHRA and, as such,
represent the latest official versions. For a few products, there are
also links to the manufactures' websites. (I have added those where I
have noticed the manufacturer makes them available.)
Links to the emc ( https://www.medicines.org.uk/emc/ ) which were in previous versions have been removed. This is because emc has often been found to be out of date and some companies do not submit their documents to emc (e.g. Accord and Teva).
There are also links to the Dictionary of Medicines and Devices (dm+d) which has information such as prices and forms of packaging. This database feeds most other UK medicine information such as the British National Formulary and GP practice prescribing systems.
Anti-thyroid medicines have also now been included but only in summaries.
From Dropbox:
📄 https://www.dropbox.com/s/bo2jzxucgp9hlj7/helvella%20-%20Thyroid%20Hormone%20Medicines%20UK.pdf?dl=1
helvella - World Desiccated Thyroid
Details of desiccated thyroid products - both prescription-standard Natural Desiccated Thyroid (NDT) and glandulars.
From Dropbox:
helvella - World Liothyronine
Details of liothyronine products.
From Dropbox:
helvella - Thyroid Hormone Medicines - RotW 🌎🌍🌏
From Dropbox:
For posting in HealthUnlocked, copy and paste one of the sections of dark red text below under whichever heading you want.
All Documents:
helvella's medicines documents (UK) can be found here:
[i][b]helvella - Thyroid Hormone Medicines[/b]
helvella has created, and tries to maintain, documents containing details of [b]all[/b] thyroid hormone medicines licensed in the UK and, in less detail, many others around the world. There is now a specific world desiccated thyroid document.
I highly recommend viewing on a computer screen, or a decent sized tablet, rather than a phone. Even I find it less than satisfactory trying to view them on my phone.[/i]
Link to blog:
UK Documents:
[i][b]helvella - Thyroid Hormone Medicines - UK[/b]
The UK document contains:
Up-to-date versions of the Summary Matrixes for levothyroxine tablets, oral solutions and liothyronine available in the UK. These include declared ingredients for [b]all[/b] UK-licensed products.
Details of every dosage of each medicine include PL numbers, PIP numbers, tablet markings, product history and links to:
● Patient Information Leaflets
● Summary of Product Characteristics
● Product Assessment Reports
● Dictionary of Medicines and Devices (dm+d) entry and current prices
Document has links to:
● British National Formulary
● NHS Drug Tariff, etc.
PLUS how to write prescriptions in [b]Appendix F.[/b]
Also includes links for anti-thyroid medicines (but not product details).
Direct link to PDF:
📄 https://www.dropbox.com/s/bo2jzxucgp9hlj7/helvella%20-%20Thyroid%20Hormone%20Medicines%20UK.pdf?dl=1
Blog last updated 14/02/2025 - documents are regularly updated[/i]
Link to blog:
[i][b]helvella - Excipients[/b]
Details of excipients are in my Excipients document. This includes all excipients identified in UK-licensed thyroid hormone medicines.
Direct link to PDF:
📄 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/tud6r8f51au0g4w10xqa0/helvella-Excipients.pdf?rlkey=aeo2dyb635chtf30lcsiyyqj2&st=oofsriqf&dl=1
If the last updated date of a copy your have downloaded isn’t very recent, please download a new copy!
Blog last updated 14/02/2025 - documents are regularly updated[/i]
Link to blog:
World/non-UK documents
Desiccated Thyroid
helvella's medicines documents (Rest of the World) can be found here:
[i][b]helvella - World Desiccated Thyroid[/b]
Contains details of all known desiccated thyroid products including information about several products not considered to be Natural Desiccated Thyroid (NDT/Desiccated Thyroid Extract/DTE).
Direct link to PDF:
📄 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/gx6dmz5iz4q6xq52wvxty/helvella-World-Desiccated-Thyroid.pdf?rlkey=bkxc88grh7m916r7qgvsjveqj&dl=1
Blog last updated 14/02/2025 - documents are regularly updated [/i]
Link to blog:
Liothyronine (T3):
[i][b]helvella - World Liothyronine [/b]
Contains a list of liothyronine products from around the world including brief details.
Direct link to PDF:
📄 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ooslwy2jcrq9emgvxo0is/helvella-World-Liothyronine.pdf?rlkey=d3c3syhidol29jqvlp8huc8xl&st=kjisp37j&dl=1
Blog last updated 14/02/2025 - documents are regularly updated [/i]
Link to blog:
https://helvella.blogspot.com/p/helvella-thyroid-hormone-medicines.html[i][b]helvella - Thyroid Hormone Medicines - RotW[/b]
Contains details of all levothyroxine and combination products - excluding desiccated thyroid products. Details available vary by country and manufacturer.
Direct link to document:
📄 https://www.dropbox.com/s/dliou4fszbegwhk/helvella%20-%20Thyroid%20Hormone%20Medicines%20ROTW.pdf?dl=1
Blog last updated 14/02/2025 - documents are regularly updated [/i]
Link to blog:
Blog only:
[i]The link below takes you to a blog page which has direct links to the documents from Dropbox and QR codes to make it easy to access from phones. You will have to scroll down or up to find the link to the document you want.
Blog last updated 14/02/2025 - documents are regularly updated[/i]
Link to blog:
If the last updated date of a copy your have downloaded isn’t very recent, please download a new copy!
If you find anything incorrect, misleading, typos, links
that don’t work, etc., please let me know. Go to my profile and use the contact details there: