Create a new post on HealthUnlocked. (Or a reply. The process of posting YouTube links is the same for posts and replies.)
In another tab or window, find the video on YouTube.
Screenshot of a video on YouTube - I've included the text below for context. |
Right-click on the actual video and choose Copy video URL.
Screenshot of the video after using right-click to display the menu. |
Paste the link into your post. At this point it will be just the link in text - no image:
Optional step. Go back to YouTube and select the text from underneath the video. Copy it, and paste it under the video link. You might choose to add only a few words - or the all the text depending on what you find and what you wish to post!
A Beginner's Guide to Hypothyroidism | Part 1 | Signs and Symptoms
BioChem Corner
50 subscribers
126 views 2 weeks ago
If you try to do this on a mobile device (phone or possibly some tablets) you might see a link which includes "m."
or an image of the video. That is the special mobile version of
YouTube. This fails to display properly on a computer and in
HealthUnlocked. On my phone, I have the choice of "Convert to Text Link" - that will ensure the link pastes properly.
Then click on !
If the video has been set to private within YouTube, these steps will not help. If you follow them, you will end up with an unusable link. You can post a link to the owner's YouTube home page which will list all their videos.
let me know if this summary helps - or not. It is always difficult to
write down instructions and very easy to not be as clear as intended.
[i][b]helvella - Posting YouTube videos[/b]
A short blog showing the steps to successfully post links to YouTube on HealthUnlocked.
Link to blog:
If you find anything incorrect, misleading, typos, links that don’t work, etc., please let me know. Go to my profile and use the contact details there.