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Wednesday, 31 May 2023

Whole Genome Sequencing

The reading of our individual entire genome is known as Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS).

Having been sequenced, the data then needs to be analysed and viewed for it to have any use.

Several companies offering Whole Genome Sequencing at a range of prices.

Be very aware of exactly what they will sequence (will it include maternal DNA?).

Also, what analysis options they offer. Some make available numerous options but they might charge for each additional analysis they add.

Most make it easy to download your sequencing data, if you wish. However, you have to understand what you can then do with it!

It is also important to understand the legal, ethical and, emotional/psychological issues that this sequencing can cause.

This is a list of companies and links. Nothing here should be taken as making any comment about them, their testing, charging, etc. It is simply a partial list of companies. Some might not even offer direct to customer packages.

Under some circumstances, the UK's NHS will run WGS on individuals.






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